'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 1655건
- 2025.01.24 these days,
- 2025.01.16 books of 2025
- 2024.10.13 - 2
- 2024.10.10 question, 1
- 2024.07.28 7월
- 2024.06.24 not your usual monday
- 2024.06.20 wishing for longer days alone
- 2024.05.23 끄적.
- 2024.02.29 -
- 2024.02.22 february,
these days,
somehow i've stretched this weekend to an extra-long weekend, from thursday to monday.
weather these days have been very up and down, from heatwaves to nice cool mid-20s days, like today, making you believe everything is good.
yesterday i took it very lazily, after a walk in the morning w E to get a coffee for him, a matcha latte for me. after doing the 15min or so of walking i felt almost sick i had to sit and catch my breath and regroup, felt better after that little sugary caffeiny drink and gently walked back. i took it easy after getting home, sleeping a little, watching a bit of 'asura', the new kore-eda series which kinda annoyed me (japanese women just accepting infidelity or engaging in it themselves? aoi yu looking pent up and repressed and annoyed? urg no). we ate the catered food for lunch - i've not been wanting to cook, i'm tired y'all - and back to bed i went. there were bits and bobs of housework, like cleaning my bathroom, doing a load of laundry etc, but mostly i was horizontal.
for dinner we had some fried chicken and i got some exercise tape as a possible way to help with my pelvic pains. though i'm loath to admit it, doing that bit of walking i felt was improving the pubic symphysis pain somewhat. it hasn't been as excruciating the last couple of days, thank god.
still we have so much to do. the naming!
i have to buy so many things, like i want to buy bub a soft plushie, a playmat, a mobile of some type, i need to buy myself some lactation accessories.
we finally bought a second desk and chair so we can be prepared to both work at home at the same time which is occasionally bound to happen. we did it one day last week and i found it kind of nice, though sometimes we may have to talk, it was oddly comforting to have him with me.
i want to watch another movie (the conclave?) before the d-day comes. i want to roam around the city. my mind is blanking out, refusing to read another book, just need to focus on baby book now. work has left my consciousness too, i'm checking out. can't wait til i am on leave.
books of 2025
1. Gifted by Suzumi Suzuki - a very short novella, a vignette about a mother and daughter.
2. The Safekeep by Yael Van der Wouden - i kinda guessed the premise early on, an interesting and intriguing one at that. lot of sexually charged writing in the middle.
3. The Burrow by Melanie Cheng - oh how i love a short novel! i thought i was taking a break from fiction reading, that my mind was too busy, that i should focus on reading baby-books. but i'd been a bit lost, my mind ill at ease, and reading just first few pages of this, or even first few sentences, got me feeling calm, at peace, like this was where i needed to be. a sigh exhaled. even though the subject matter is that of grief and unthinkable one at that, losing a bub, especially in my current state, somehow that made it even more a warm experience. the prose is approachable, i enjoyed and devoured it within a couple of days.
4. Digging to America by Anne Tyler - interesting to go back to anne tyler, writing about iranian families, and korean adoptees. i read she was married to an iranian so this adds autheniticity to the story, and ofc the korean adoption story caught my eye. it was pleasant and lovely.
trying to get away from unpleasantness of life, which keep rearing their ugly heads to my consciousness.
trying to not be bothered, not be overwhelmed by life's little and medium sized annoyances.
i hate being a landlord, have i told you that before?
'abolish all landlords' they say. yes they should. landlordship should not be a thing and i should be liberated from the hassles of it.
i blamed my father for his minimal reaction my big news.
that it brought out seemingly zero happy emotions out of him outwardly at least,
that it had no influence on his shitty outlook on life, marred by his shitty relationship with my mother.
but who am i to criticise and judge him,
when i can see that i myself am still plagued by my usual miserable baseline feelings,
constant hatred of work and toil and thoughts of just wanting to die, pervasive at times.
was it naive of me to think, having this new life enter my life - my uterus - will somehow magically transform my life, my psyche, my whole outlook on life?
yes i suppose it was.
i am trying to read, watch mindless television, to get out of all the negative things clouding my mind. i try. i shall try to turn it in a more positive direction - pray, read the bible, see beyond the minute and and the micro.
i shall be a parent to you than my parents were to me.
i know i have no influence on how you will be innately, how you will be temperamentally, how sensitive you may be etc. but i can be nurturing you to your full goodness.
i can listen to you, meet your eyes, love you to my full capacity, support you and respect you and mould and shape you to be the best person you could be.
here is the question,
do i, once i give birth, suddenly automatically change fundamentally inside, that i become selfless and everything i do for the child without any ego or conflict?
or will it be a conscious battle to be more altruistic for the child, a constant battle with my own selfishness?
does the fact that i've lived in such a selfish way for this many years makes it more or less likely that i will be able to be consumed by the love and care for another? because i'd been so set in my ways (harder) or would i be more willing to let myself go because i've had enough of self-interest? hard to say.
i really hope it is easy, that my life is changed, but not only externally but intrinsically, so that i can love and serve and care for another without anger or anxiety.
오늘은 마파두부를 만들었다. 일본식 레시피 이고 좀 쉬운 방법이라 뚝딱 도반장 넣고 맛있게 만들음.
오랜만에 베프와 만나 그녀가 사준 마차라테를 마시며 그녀 집 고치는 얘기 등등 하고.
날은 해 나고 좋은데 바람이 제법 쌀쌀했던 그런 날.
요즘은 나답잖게 맨날 바지만 입는다.
편한 바지를 코스 에서 발견해서 두벌 같은 걸로 샀던 거다. 겨울은 겨울이라 편한 면이 있군.
오랜만에 한국 드라마를 봤다.
몇년전 방송된거지만 ‘멜로가 체질’.
전여빈 이라는 배우 처음 보는데 눈매가 아름답다. 내가 좋아하는 시크하고 서글서글한 멋있는 얼굴.
안재홍은 꼭 옛날 차태현 같다 근데 좀 덜 착해 보이는 차태현.
노래가 좋았다 특히 장범준 노래. 오랜만에 듣는 장범준 목소리 듣자마자 아 버스커! 기억났다.
요즘에는 걱정과 고민이 많아서 그런 생각 좀 덜 하려고 옛날 영화도 많이 보고 이런 드라마도 보고 그렇게 노력하고 있다. 딴 생각이 필요.
읽던 책은 너무 질질 끌고 글도 별로 흥미롭거나 아름답지 않아서 그런데 엄청 길기 까지 해, 50프로 정도 읽었는데 그냥 깨끗이 포기 하고 도서관에 반납 했다. 엄청 평론가들한테 좋은 평 많이 받았던 책 이었는데. 역시 나는 소설 >>> nonfiction.
이틀에 한 번씩 보고 있다.
잘 살고 있니? 네 심장은 아직 잘 뛰고 있니? 그렇게 체크 중. 매일 매일 매 순간 매 순간 보고 싶다.
not your usual monday
trying the new me,
this time i did a few things differently, some intentional some not.
i took a day off, but made E go to work afterwards.
i wore new shoes (my new brooks ghost 16!)
i haven't told anyone about our transfer, not even our parents.
i forgot to shave my legs.
we took PT to the clinic, first time we've done that for a procedure i think.
last minute, we got a call the day before the procedure, that our usual doctor will not be doing it, 'due to unforeseen circumstances' and some other guy will be doing it. nothing we can do about it, i accepted it, thought 'maybe a different doctor will be a good thing too!'
unfortunately i was ultimately not super enthused about the alternate.
when he greeted us he asked have we done this before - i wanted to say 'haven't you read my file?'
then he had to change my speculum twice which is fine, and ofc it hurt again when he was cleaning, which is also fine, but for the first time (this is our 5th time having a transfer), he had trouble actually getting the catheter into the cervix and asked 'did dr M have this issue before?' to which i emphatically said no.
he kinda laughed nervously as he said my cervix is a bit weird - not exact words - but like apparently it curbs to the right then left - but i was unimpressed like 'is this a laughing matter to you? our future? the financial cost and psychological/emotional toil we are under? our last chance? our only tested-good embryo?'
it was probably nerves, i know to be generous in my mind with other doctors, but did not fill me with confidence.
i wondered, what if he just doesn't care enough, and just deposits the embryo in the wrong spot not actually in the endometrium? but thankfully i did see the bubbling echoes on ultrasound.
afterwards we realised he didn't even tell us when we will come back for bloods.
well for sure we won't be returning for this doc.
i stopped by the nearby suburb on the way home, picked up a matcha latte, couple of bready snacks (heavenly), and gimbap for lunch. i walked the leisurely 30+min walk home, coz it was sunny and wonderful and the walk home from that station is much nicer than the one from my actual station, less exposed, more calm.
i have two books going at the same time - one on my ebook, an elizabeth strout, and a physical book i got out from a library - also started the new season of project runway which i love to skip skip skip past the sob stories just to look at the clothes, i run a load of laundry and i want to sit in bed and rest like this. i will clean my bathroom at some point. this is a lovely day to myself, a monday to enjoy.
i keep saying maybe i don't deserve this, but the epiphany dawned on me - grace is all about that. grace, is a gift for those who don't deserve it. that is what i am praying for.
wishing for longer days alone
there are not enough hours in a day, when it's your day off.
first, you rise later than usual, 8-9am sometimes.
you do a little chore like run the laundry, or do the dishes, then go for a walk, then your morning is gone.
if you do a little surfing, a little reading or watching, talk to your parents on your weekly catch up phone calls, that's half your afternoon gone.
haven't even done more substantial chores like cleaning or sweeping, now it is time to prepare dinner already.
the time to reflect, to do some quiet deep thinking, writing, these things take a long stretch of time.
being married, living with another, even if we have not much of a social life external to our family unit, it's a huge life changer.
all my time is not mine, it is shared, i cannot just sit in my quiet for the most part.
and that is why that one day off a week is ever so precious to me, and it goes so fast.
엄청 오랜만.
오늘은 오랜만으로 쉬는 날.
3주반의 여행, 그리고 오자마자 며칠후 아버지 팔순잔치하러 또 짧게 며칠 부모님께 다녀오고
그렇게 오랜만에 혼자 쉬는 날.
9시 즈음에 침대에서 일어나와,
아침으로 라면을 먹고 (ㅎ)
몇가지 쌓아 놓았던 손빨래를 하고, 역시나 오래 미뤄 놓았던 화장실 청소를 하고
눈에 계속 보이던 지저분한 집 구석 구석을 조금 걸레질 했다.
사실, 잘 얘기 하지 않지만 내집이 좋다.
완벽한 건 아니지만, 귀찮은 일들이 종종 있고, 그렇지만 사실 좋다.
뒷마당에 떨어진 낙옆들 빗자루질 하는것도 일이지만 왠지 뿌듯하고 좋다. 잡초뽑기도 그렇고.
무엇보다 조용한 게 좋고
해가 나는 날 뒷뜰을 보며 혼자 그렇게 조용히 앉을 때가 가장 행복.
점심쯤 동네 카페에 가서 아이스라테랑 점심을 간단한 랩으로 먹고
수퍼에서 케익 할 재료를 사 왔다.
피스타시오가 좀 누룩지는 거 같아 뭔가 피스타시오가 들어가는 걸 만들려고 찾아보다가 케익이 있어서 그걸로 하기로 했다.
오후 시간 이빠이 투자 해서 만들었는데 결국은 너무 안 부풀어올라 케익이 아닌 비스코티 폼 이 되있음.
인터넷 조사 해보니 라이징 에이전트 때문일지도 모른다고 한다 - 이때 알게 된건 내 베이킹파우더가 10년 전 유통기한 이었다는 허걱.
그리고 아침에 또 갑자기 확 든 생각은 일본식 계란산도가 먹고싶다는 것.
그래서 일식 식빵 에 가까운 브리오쉬 빵 그리고 큐피마요를 사옴.
내일 점심은 빵빵한 에그산도 를 싸가야지.
집안일 을 하다보면 시간이 너무 빨리간다.
나 저녁 요리 안 한다고 선언 해서 아마 그이가 뭔가 사들고 퇴근할 듯.
아직 케익이 다 안 식어서 아이싱 올리지도 못한.
이제서야 한숨 돌린다.
음악 크게 틀어놓고 이렇게 조금 몇줄 쓰는.
항상 쉬는 날은 책을 읽고 싶어도 그런 시간이 잘 안난다는...
이번에 집에 가서 아버지 한테 받아온 내 옛날 학창시절 일기책, 또 학교 성적표, yearbook 등...
버릴게 많은데 이럴때는 내가 좀 센치인게 티 난다.
드디어 머리를 잘랐다.
항상 다니던 미용실은 이제 좀 멀고, 가까운 한인타운에 구글조사 이후 골라 간 곳.
예약이 없어서 지난 주에 갔을때는 못했는데, 오늘은 열자마자 가서 그런지 그때 금방 해 주셨다.
미용사언니는 친절했고 무엇보다 말이 별로 없으셔서 나랑은 좋은 매치.
길고 거추장스러웠던 머리를 드디어 바뚝 잘랐다.
항상 그렇듯 '묶을 수 있을만큼 잘라주세요'
여기는, 아직도 너무 덥다. 오늘은 40도를 웃도는.
근처 한국빵집에서 옛날스타일 핫도그빵과 고로케, 그리고 아이스라테를 사고.
다시 30분정도 뜨거운 태양아래 걸어간다.
집에는 빵빵한 에어컨이 나를 기다리고 있으니.
그리고 무엇보다 중요한 침묵과 빈 공간.
one day 원조 영화를 재밌게 봤던 기억이 있다 - anne hathaway & jim sturgess 가 귀여웠고
나도 그런 비슷한 친한 남자사람 친구가 있었던 때니까.
넷플릭스가 만든 TV 버젼은 좀 맘에 안들지만 다 봤다.
주인공 배우들이 예쁘거나 멋있지 않고, 별로 케미스트리도 그렇고,
제일 좋았던 건 음악 - 90년대 내 시대 노래들...
다음 주면 부모님이 놀러 오신다. 기대 되기도 하고, 걱정도 되고.
신기하게도 새 집에 빨리 적응됬다.
그렇게 오래 아파트 생활에 익숙해져 있던 내가, 금방 이렇게 또 주택에 적응되어 까맣게 잊어간다.
로봇청소기한테 대부분의 청소는 맡기고
새로운 쟙들은 대부분 남편이 도맡았다 - 쓰레기 일주일마다 집밖으로 내보내기라던가, 잔디 깎기 라던가...
나는 옆에서 살짝 돕는다는 수준 - 잡초를 좀 뽑거나 그런.
대부분은 조용하고 평화롭다가도, 옆집 중국 아줌마의 시끄러운 말소리를 가끔은 듣고, 그리고 새들 - 이나라 새들 그 특유의 - 엄청난 소리로 짹짹 거리는 소리로 그 평화가 좀 깨지는 그런 나날들.
솔라파넬이 있어서 아직 전기세를 낸 일이 없다 - 에어콘을 틀어도, 그런날들은 해가 나는 날이라 딱 뉴트랄이 되는.
행복하다면 행복한 나날들.
아직 적응 되지 않은 건 - 커다란 거미를 두번이나 집 안에서 본 것, 여러가지 고쳐야 할 자잘한 것들.
책을 많이 읽고 있고,
기도는 좀 등진.
여행 준비를 하고 있다. 비행기표, 숙소는 다 잡았고. 남은 건 추운 나라에서 입을 옷들, 또 하이킹에 적합한 옷 과 부츠 같은 걸 준비하는 일.
북유럽은 처음인데, 추울것도 약간 걱정이지만 그렇게 물가가 비쌀지 몰랐다 허걱...
가서 우리는 커피도 마시지 말자고, 음식은 될수 있음 길거리음식만 먹자고, 그리고 컵라면 몇개 싸가자고 졸르고 있다.
작년 바르셀로나 가서는 가기 전 인스타 등을 너무 봐놔서 뭐랄까 가기도전에 다 본 느낌이라 좀 감흥이 떨어진 거 같아 이번에는 덜 보려고 한다. 가서 더 와우! 할 수 있게.
몇주후면 부모님이 새 집에 놀러오신다.
결혼 후 엄마아빠가 있을 곳이 없어 (내 2방 아파트, 침대 1) 몇년간 못 오셨는데, 그러니까 3년 만이구나.
와서 좋아하셔야 할텐데. 사위 앞에서 좀 싸우지 않고 해야 할텐데 ㅎ