it's a new feeling.
i've always scoffed at those people who go on and on about stress and how stress is the cause of all their problems.
who isn't stressed? i would say. everyone is stressed to some degree.
but here, taking time off and just sitting still at home, it feels so good.
what a contrast to a day spent at work, constantly under a mental load, everyone from patients to coworkers at your heel, interpreting things, the responsibility to know, to be correct, or at least not wrong, the pressure and yes the stress. what is that all? poof, it's gone. no driving on edge on the crazy roads, phone calls at your ear.
it is a truly amazing feeling, to be resting. to be empty, to be away from it all. just be here, on my own, in my quiet time and space, no one needing me or requesting things of me. i love this time.
this is what we all want isn't it?
just that we need to work to feed ourselves, to survive, and it is not realistic or practical or sustainable to continue this way.
it's different to being on holiday - then, you are out there exploring, trying your best to soak up the new experience, the new place. here, there is no such pressure either.
i am free to just exist.