it's become a small routine.
injection time is 8:45am, followed by a 'little rest' - the abdominal wall is tender, so i like to use that excuse to lie down for a while, which sometimes is just an hour or so, other times - in fact often - all the way to lunch.
then it's lunch time, then it's time for a walk. i have done at least 10000 steps per day last week, which is pretty admirably consistent for me. then it's pottering time, internet-ing, reading a little, etc.
i am making dinners mostly. after dinner i have a wee prayer chat with mum, just 10-15mins or so.
he and i watch something in the evenings if we have time, these days ted lasso. it was good to begin with, but to be honest, towards the end of 1st season they're hamming it up QUITE a bit so i'm not as sold on it now. i have heard season 2 is even worse?
i am trying and mostly succeeding in taking it day by day. i do not think too much about the what ifs or the future. i would rather be empty in that corner of the brain.
i haven't done much in the way of productive activities - i would like to put up the excuse, hey it's just been a week! no cleaning up, no listening to lectures and so on. i need to do that. perhaps next week, when i might have no more injections, but more just waiting, and need something to distract myself with.
i wonder if my friendships will further deteriorate. we barely catch up as is - i've become very bad at meeting up with them. physical distances yes, i have always been lazy to drive up anywhere too far, and what motivation i did have before - to vent, to gab, to eat something with them - that want has been filled by constant companion in the form of a spouse who loves to spend time with me (shocking i know). and he is much nicer, and more tolerant and accomodating to me than my friends if we are being absolutely clear. sure he does not have the wit or quick repartee i can have with my girlfriends, but we can't have it all can we. i would also blame covid - and me wanting to stay clear from it, at least for next week or two - as another excuse to be hermiting.
god i love to be a hermit. to stay home, car firmly parked inside, never venturing beyond where i can walk to, quick dashes to shops only, just going for lone walks, the best ones are alone aren't they? perving on lovely dogs, bird watching, and on occasion people watching, cloud watching - observing, dissociating, becoming clear in the head, emptying any crap inside just like that.