the worst place to meet a cute guy?
when you've spent the whole day in bed, haven't washed your hair,
and go out for late night snack to the local fast food joint wearing just your nightie, stockings and a coat...
damn shame. why did you have to be there cute dude?
i am onto my third movie for the day -
1) sex and the city 2 - god awful, but i still love SJP and mr big.
2) bridesmaids - kinda too gross for my liking, required multiple fastforwards through diarrhoea and boring speeches
3) how do you know - still going through it, and to be honest not especially great.
so really, a whole run of not so fab movies.
recently thinking about
- white ink tattoos: first heard about it through an episode of 'law and order: SVU'... what a wonderful idea. so lovely and subtle and still subversive and kinda hot. i want to get one on my arm somewhere.
- bad food cravings: finally satisfied my burger craving. yummo!
- bad food cravings 2: i want macarons...
- best time of the week: friday night, when you know you can sleep in as long as you want the next day without consequences. it's all downhill from there.