What I ate in Valencia,
travel 2023. 7. 1. 19:29

Morcilla and scrambled egg bocadillo: at first bite, thought a bit dry but the more you eat the more yummy i found it. A little dryish mushed up sausage is still a good thing. The spicy pickled peppers were a highlight.

Just a random suburban restaurant near the hotel, was actually really great. Simple tomato salad again with pickled peppers. Potatoes, with yummy sauce (patatas bravas!) and the tender delicious octopus.

So much jamon. So sweet and lovely and salty but mildly so.
Two paellas, one more usual seafood and the other Valencian with snail and rabbit! Delicious. Tasty.
Dessert was torrijas - like bread pudding/ french toast. Mild and yum.

Yet another arroz! Arroz negro. Dang this was tasty.