'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 1655건

  1. 2020.03.29 comfort watching, at these uncertain and anxious times
  2. 2020.02.14 books of 2020
  3. 2020.01.30 films of 2020
  4. 2020.01.01 하고 싶은 것들,
  5. 2019.12.02 벌써 12월.
  6. 2019.06.30 viennese food
  7. 2019.06.30 a new artist find - hermann nitsch
  8. 2019.06.30 swans of prague
  9. 2019.06.30 last day in Rome.
  10. 2019.06.29 Vienna, a day with Hundertwasser

comfort watching, at these uncertain and anxious times

- parks & recreation

- ghilbli movies

- old romcoms, like you've got mail, when harry met sally...

- jeopardy!

- scrubs

- kimmy schmidt

- before sunset/before sunrise



books of 2020

All the light we cannot see - Anthony Doerr

- good, well written, classic, 'novel'. enjoyed it, highly readable. 


Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine - Gail Honeyman

- readable, written in a simple, jaunty way, i guess because it is written from a perspective of a person with some social awkwardness/almost on the spectrum, maybe it is intentional? not exactly high literature.


My name is Lucy Barton - Elizabeth Strout 

- short, simple, but lovely writing. made me long for my mum the way the protagonist longed for her mum. 


Spiral - Koji Suzuki

- sequel to Ring. not as scary as you might expect. a quick read. more biology/genetics than horror i was expecting. 


Three Women - Lisa Taddeo
- made me feel and think a lot; even though none of the stories are remotely relatable in my life, it could have been - to be a woman, is to be just moments, just a sliding doors away, from such a scenario unfolding, whether that is sexual assault, or manipulation in some way. i wasn't always sympathetic to some of the women, i would hate to be held down and be controlled by carnal desire, but the vulnerability side of it - that i could have been in such situations, it struck something inside me and made me think of the book and the people in it for a while after reading. 


Olive Kiterridge - Elizabeth Strout

- is olive me? cantankerous, emotionally labile, but underneath it all, some good intentions, some good? or so one would like to think. i wish i had my own steadfast henry, or do i have him already? i do love her writing. simple, to the point, honest, no flowery language to be had. 


Girl, Woman, Other - Bernardine Evaristo 

- it started off a little slow, but towards to mid and latter section it was very engaging, could get very absorbed as if i were right there. many people and characters who were not one thing but multifaceted, some likable and many not, the intersecting stories were interesting and a good read. 


The Spare Room - Helen Garner


Rodham - Curtis Sittenfeld

- wow what a book. such a captivating read, absolutely addicting and i often said a delicious read, because it feels so real, so close to the real hillary (or what i perceive her to be like), and to imagine, how her life could have turned out. her voice sounded so real, and i even cried real tears while reading the passage of her breaking up with bill clinton in this alternate reality of the book. the last quarter was not as engaging as the rest, but very much an enjoyable ride.


A lonely girl is a dangerous thing - Jessie Tu

- if the main word that i kept thinking re: rodham was 'delicious', the main emoji to summarise my feelings for this book was the eyeroll emoji. hedonism is so banal. using degrading sex as some device to feel better? so old and so gross and actually just unpleasant and boring. do people really live like this? cannot relate and feel zero sympathy for, mate. 


Anything is Possible - Elizabeth Strout

- my first audiobook. extension of her little universe. a small delight. devastating at times. 



films of 2020

little women: dancing sequences were too twee. whatever love i had for timothee chalamet is now completely erased, he is way too prepubescent... amy was quite compelling. highlight was meryl streep tho.



하고 싶은 것들,

- 수영 배우기 

- 자전거 타기 배우기

- 록클라이밍 해보기

- 킥박싱 배우기

- 머리 깎아보기

- 보랏빛 머리 염색

- 애기 갖기

- 해변가에 살아보기

- 일 그만 두기

- 책 쓰기

- 그림 배우기

- 내 집 디자인 하고 만들기


왜 40을 보고 있는 나이에 새로 배워보고픈것들이 이리 많냐...


벌써 12월.

아주 오랜만.

2019년도 이제 거의 끝이 되었다. 12월이라니, 시간이란 정말 쑥쑥 빨리 가버리는 구나. 아무도 모르는 사이. 

올해는 내 첫 조카가 태어났고, 너무나 사랑스러운 그것을 보고 있으면 가슴이 벅차다. 아이를 키우는 건 너무나 실상 힘든 일이지만, 정말 사랑스럽고 귀엽고 가슴이 터질만큼 아름답고 감동적인 경험이겠구나, 하고 새삼 깨닫는다. 

새로운 사랑이 찾아왔다. 그것이 '사랑'인지 어쩐지는 모르겠지만, 아직까지는 좋고, 계속 잘 됬으면 좋겠다. 처음으로 부모님에게도 편히 얘기 할 수 있는 상대이고, 그애의 얼굴 사진을 보여줄수 있고, 데리고 와봐 라는 부모님의 말씀을 다 들어본다. 새로운 경험. 나도 이제 계속 혼자가 아닐 수도 있을까, 하고 소망하게 만든다. 너무 커지면 안 되는데 이런 마음도. 나는 나이 지긋한 어른이고, 그애도 그렇고, 우리 잘 해 봤으면 좋겠다 어쨌든. 


viennese food


사랑하는 소세지, 케익 같은 디저트 천국인 비엔나 왜 근데 살찐 사람이 거의 없지...?

자기 절제가 잘 되는 사람들인가보다. 

다시 사진 보니 다시 먹고 싶어지는 당신들이여...

a new artist find - hermann nitsch


i entered the room knowing nothing about the artist,

the first few made me gasp, my chest tightened in excitement, the beauty.

how he makes his art and the performance side of it i found was a bit too much for me

but the resulting images were indeed a wow.

swans of prague


incidental finds, accidental beauty - isn't that what makes the best moments while traveling?


last day in Rome.



keyhole of malta - i could barely get this picture with the iphone. with bare eyes, clear as day and wonderful little (not so) secret.



bye rome,

i don't think i'll be returning to you any time soon or ever though.

Vienna, a day with Hundertwasser



so much whimsy.

'the straight line is godless' 

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