'travel/london-paris '11'에 해당되는 글 36건
- 2014.08.28 -
- 2012.08.31 i miss you, paris
- 2012.07.24 regrets and questions
- 2011.12.05 before the sunrise
- 2011.12.05 decadence and beauty
- 2011.11.20 Grandes Eaux Musicales
- 2011.11.18 oh, beauty.
- 2011.11.18 decadence.
- 2011.11.15 -
- 2011.11.15 look out.
travel/london-paris '11 2014. 8. 28. 21:51
the photographs can only remember the beauty,
but if i were to be perfectly honest i know it wasn't all fun and games.
so even though i'd love to return to paris one day,
maybe not alone, hopefully with the one i love.
regrets and questions
travel/london-paris '11 2012. 7. 24. 00:13
what's the rush?
looking back, that's what i keep muttering under my breath.
why the rush?
take a moment, compose the frame, take a step back, experiment, find the most beautiful moment, angle, light.
must've been that good ol' friend mr sommer again, tapping me at the heel urging me to keep moving moving moving.
just because in paris everything is beautiful doesn't give you the right to just point and shoot at random.
Grandes Eaux Musicales
travel/london-paris '11 2011. 11. 20. 13:32
베르사유에 간다면
화려한 분수 디스플레이와 웅장한 음악을 즐길 수 있는 주말/화요일 가는걸 추천.
oh, beauty.
travel/london-paris '11 2011. 11. 18. 19:02
화려한 궁전 보다는
아주 그림같이 디자인된 정원보다는
그냥 자연.
베르사유에서의 따스하고 정신없이 아름답던 어느 10월의 일요일...