'travel'에 해당되는 글 218건
- 2018.12.15 teamlab borderless, tokyo.
- 2018.12.15 teamlab borderless tokyo
- 2018.12.15 shinjuku gyoen maple
- 2018.12.15 shinjuku gyoen roses
- 2018.08.26 east germany part 2.
- 2018.08.26 east germany
- 2018.08.26 east side gallery
- 2018.08.23 berlinische galerie, part 3.
- 2018.08.19 berlinische galerie, part 2
- 2018.08.19 berlinische galerie
teamlab borderless tokyo
travel/japan '18 2018. 12. 15. 19:33
bokeh heaven,
truly immersive experience.
two of my favourite rooms: crystals, and the amazing light show.
could not take my eyes off the performance - yes it was a performance - and all my senses were truly taken over, with the majestic music.
very crowded, but still very much recommended.
shinjuku gyoen roses
travel/japan '18 2018. 12. 15. 19:17
사람들에 지치고
삶에 지치고 있을때
도착한 곳은 장미밭.
수십가지의 아름다운 장미꽃들로 가득.
드디어 웃게 해준.
east germany
travel/berlin '18 2018. 8. 26. 19:23
a little edgy, a little grungy, full of character.
berlinische galerie, part 2
travel/berlin '18 2018. 8. 19. 20:18
loved the photography exhibit on at the time, particularly these rothko-esque pieces.
oh and this whole collection of birds on water, memorable.
berlinische galerie
travel/berlin '18 2018. 8. 19. 19:52
what a wonderful space.
i adored it.
not only the art, but the building itself.