'2018/03'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2018.03.16 how cute is superorganism
  2. 2018.03.16 japanese breakfast,
  3. 2018.03.16 mitski,
  4. 2018.03.16 lucy dacus - night shift

how cute is superorganism

japanese breakfast,

you know when you don't LOVE a song, nor the voice, that much, but for some reason a performance grips you by the heart and doesn't let you go so your eyes and ears are glued there and you cannot look away and you're completely absorbed in it and you come back to it over and over again you know? you know, this is that.

also you should read her essay on her grieving and healing with korean food after her korean mum's death. beautiful. 


this is the performance that i keep watching over and over again coz it is so powerful and intense.

lucy dacus - night shift

this is the shit. 

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