
last days,

esmephelia 2022. 12. 20. 12:32

so it happened, i finally got it, full 7 days after initial exposure, 6 days after his, 3 or so days since some upper respiratory symptoms set in. sore throat, barky effortful cough, some nasal discharge, some headache, a little tiredness, and just recently, anosmia. 


this means at least partially i can shorten the in laws trip. small blessings, silver linings, etc.


what have i achieved by not leaving the apartment nearly a week (bar those first few negative days when i still walked out for walks and groceries, of course masked)? started white lotus season 2, finished rilakkuma the themepark edition, finished one book and started another (another anne tyler), but other than not much else. i usually feel pretty good during the day, and worse at night in bed. 


he is doing worse than me, despite having suffered nearly a week more than me, spiking fevers as soon as panadol wears off, violent coughing spasms, lethargic at times. my baby with his weak constitution. 


can you believe - it's last 10 days or so of the year. where has it all gone? was i hopeful? sure i was. hope and anticipation became desperation and a rollercoaster of ups and downs. have i reached acceptance stage, a serenity? or is this just a break i'm letting myself have, a little hiatus.