esmephelia 2022. 8. 19. 15:40

finally, eggs were collected yesterday. 

ten. ten is the magic number.

then the call early this morning, there are 7 that have fertilised well they said. 

thank you lord. 

we wait for another phone call update on sunday.


like last time, GA was clean and refreshing. like a switch snapped off, then on.

i felt fine leaving the clinic, we had some japanese food at a hipster joint. by then - around lunch time, my pelvis started cramping. it did not abate through the evening, with me taking more panadol.

still, the pains are not entirely gone. i've not stepped out of my apartment, let alone my pjs, all day. 

a bag of chips and a green smoothie for sustenance.

now i await the return of my beloved.