my first aubrey,
was in a song.
joanna wang's song (who incidentally happens to be an artist introduced to me by dear yooheeyeol-ong) - what with her beautiful beautiful voice, i was introduced to this world where this name existed.
i had always liked the name audrey, but thought it perhaps too iconic - but aubrey? i wasn't so sure initially.
then came my second aubrey -
in the form of an actress aubrey plaza.
she played a strange girl with dark eye make up in 'damsels in distress', in a very small but memorable role,
then again within a few months i saw her, in another little indie gem 'safety not guaranteed' - so engaging, so real and just enough quirkiness for me to fall in love with her.
now i shall always look to the name with great fondness.
say it with me, au-brey.