알 수 없는 사용자 2011. 12. 14. 02:33

falling asleep at 7pm, even before dinner (i had only just put the nengmyun yooksu into the freezer),
only to wake up at 2 30am, well beyond the initially planned 9pm,
is not going to be very helpful in my upcoming day plans.
it is now 4 15am and i am awake, showered, slightly hungry.

recent thoughts on the crappiness of the mass media:
- i am kind of sick of seeing these 'documentaries' 'interpreting' the bible in the most non biblical way and to present it to the otherwise unknowing masses as if it were the truth.
- michael jackson was not some innocent victim of a murderous psycho doctor. of course it was wrong for the cardiologist to be giving propofol in such ridiculous circumstances but how is mj innocent and free of any responsibility? it is as if to say every drug dealer who supplies a junkie who ends up ODing (or worse) is solely responsible for the death and somehow the junkie was entirely a victim. the media's one-sided portrayal and the silliness of the 'fans' disgust me.
- if in the old days it was the non believer under social attack or isolation, it is now the opposite. it is un-PC and considered wrong and downright idiotic to have religious beliefs and not to bend such beliefs for the sake of social trend or milieu. homosexuality was prevalent in the ancient times too it is not some new in vogue thing that we are not adjusting properly to. there were cities famous for such things, even in the bible it exists. for society to become more accepting is one thing, to ask a christian to say a gay marriage is a good thing is not. for the non religious it may seem like just some abstract conceptual thing that is fluid to changing cultures, but for those bible believing christians it is the unchanging truth. the film paul kind of irked me despite being otherwise a very funny film because it painted this very uncool but seemingly highly popular american view of the 'fundamentalist = gun loving = bordering on mentally retarded stupid' christian white trash joke for too long. 

listening to lalasweet - impressive stuff.