'2019/06/30'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2019.06.30 viennese food
  2. 2019.06.30 a new artist find - hermann nitsch
  3. 2019.06.30 swans of prague
  4. 2019.06.30 last day in Rome.

viennese food


사랑하는 소세지, 케익 같은 디저트 천국인 비엔나 왜 근데 살찐 사람이 거의 없지...?

자기 절제가 잘 되는 사람들인가보다. 

다시 사진 보니 다시 먹고 싶어지는 당신들이여...

a new artist find - hermann nitsch


i entered the room knowing nothing about the artist,

the first few made me gasp, my chest tightened in excitement, the beauty.

how he makes his art and the performance side of it i found was a bit too much for me

but the resulting images were indeed a wow.

swans of prague


incidental finds, accidental beauty - isn't that what makes the best moments while traveling?


last day in Rome.



keyhole of malta - i could barely get this picture with the iphone. with bare eyes, clear as day and wonderful little (not so) secret.



bye rome,

i don't think i'll be returning to you any time soon or ever though.

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